As a subscriber to Electronic Engineering Journal's family of publications, we want to extend a special invitation for a free subscription to our new MEMS and Smart Systems Newsletter.
I've heard enough. Sign me up now.
We've been covering this space for a while, but we haven't had a newsletter dedicated to it – and we decided the time is right; it's a hot topic.
We actually had a really hard time deciding what to call it. MEMS is a prominent and popular component of what this is about, but it's more than that. It's sensors of any kind, microfluidics, embedded vision, gesture recognition, touch technology. It's about what you can make out of these – all of the consumer, industrial, and medical devices that have the ability to evaluate and report their context and surroundings. Networks of sensors (both large-scale and even within a single system); the internet of things. Energy harvesting to power remote sensors; smart meters to power homes.
Wow! You're going to cover all that? Sign me up!
It's hard to encapsulate that all in a word or two. At the end of it all, we were left with "smart." That may mean different things to different people, but we refer to the fact that, not only can these systems tell that something's happening to or around them, they can make decisions – hopefully smart ones – and take action – hopefully smart action.
The "smart" thing to do is to sign up now, isn't it?
There are fascinating technology stories and compelling end applications. It's multi-disciplinary, including electrical, mechanical, chemical, and biological technology; digital, analog, power, wireless, semiconductor, EDA, software. Lots going on and lots to learn. Perfect for all you Renaissance men and women.
We think you'll enjoy our coverage of an area that is going to affect more and more of your systems as time goes on. As we have before, we'll focus on bringing technology, insight, and an occasional opinion or four.
Techfocus Media, Inc.
4620 W. Burnside Road
Portland, OR 97201